Industry Information

Packaging boxes design and printing technology complement ea

Packaging boxes must adhere to the principle that designs are produced. Prepress printing is most closely associated with plane printing. The design of packaging boxes is a complex and systematic process that involves several factors. Material, structure, graphic design, and production process are more complex than just painting a picture. In developed countries, packaging box design is typically done in groups. Not only are packaging experts involved, but graphic designers and salesmen from the production companies as well.

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In Chinese companies, there are some misconceptions about the design of packaging boxes. These are manifested primarily in terms of replane, lightweight structure, redesigned effect, and production technologies. This problem can be directly attributed to the fact that packaging box design is done primarily by art designers in China. They are nearly all art designers and they have a limited understanding of materials, structures and processing technologies. New materials and technologies are a great way to expand the creativity of designers. However, they can also be a real challenge. Rapid development in design, pre-press technology and printing techniques also had a significant impact on designers' design work. New technologies, like computer-aided design, digital printing and network transmission, have a direct impact on the work of designers. The packaging box design should be in the context of the new technology to better understand the possible design problems.

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The low-resolution image is replaced with a high-resolution image. The workflow will result in smaller files and be faster. For more information on working with OPI or APR files, please see the page output. The impact of post-processing on output must be considered during the design and planning stages. Consider, for example, the type of material that should be used to perform special treatments, like gold stamping or lifting.

The time needed to complete the processing should also be included in the operating time. Digital printing has become more widespread and accepted with the growth of digital industry.

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